When no one else will finance your purchase, we can arrange In House Financing so you can Buy, or Lease a vehicle from day one, while making monthly payments.
This is a great option when you want to buy a car that is For Sale By Owner and the owner cannot finance you directly, contact Smart Deal Auto and we will administrate the deal. This would mean we would find a financier willing to work with the buyer, and the financier will buy the vehicle
Here is how it would work:
1-You contact Smart Deal Auto because a deal need in-house financing to go through
2-A Smart Deal Auto broker meets with the buyer to assess if In-House financing is eligible (note: In-House Financing is much more FLEXIBLE than traditional banking financial institutions which is why it is so coveted)
3-In-House Financier buys the vehicle from the seller
4-In-House Financier sells the vehicle to the buyer using a financing plan negotiated on good faith
5-Seller gets paid and pays Smart Deal Auto a commission for administrating the deal
6-Buyer gets the car and drives happily ever after
Smart Deal Auto has connections to personal in-house financing to help you get a car when no one else will financially back you up. If you get rejected by dealerships, contact Smart Deal Auto and get the car you want.